Victory! Alternatives to Abortion Protected!

We won!

Pro-abortion Democrats in the Texas House of Representatives tried to defund pregnancy centers, adoption agencies, and maternity homes, but YOU took action!

Yesterday, the Texas House debated funding for the Alternatives to Abortion program (A2A) in the state budget bill.

A2A is a network of social service agencies, pregnancy centers, adoption agencies, and maternity homes that help new moms, dads, and babies who might otherwise be victims of abortion. 

YOU helped defeat SIX anti-Life amendments that would have defunded, limited, and diluted Alternatives to Abortion.

Not only did we block the six horrible amendments, but we actually INCREASED funds to the life-saving A2A program! 

In 2019, the program received $80 million in the state budget, but demand for life-affirming options is SKYROCKETING! A2A saw a 52% jump in services provided since then.

Yesterday, we increased funding to $100 million! Think of how many more centers, like those in your community, can encourage parents to choose Life!

Now is not the time to rest. We have fewer than 40 days to pass bills in the State Capitol that stop abortion and euthanasia.

Will you give a gift of $40, $150, $500, or more today to bring us over the finish line?  Thank you for defending Life at the Capitol.



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