Texas Right to Life applauds Donna Campbell´s fight for Life

Today marked the end of primary voting, but the local fight isn’t over to elect a truly Pro-Life representative.

Dr. Donna Campbell will need your extra support during a special runoff election on July 31st to defeat openly and unapologetically anti-Life incumbent Senator Jeff Wentworth.
When elected, Donna will protect and build upon our recent Pro-Life successes, such as the passage of the pre-abortion Sonogram law, $64.2 million in tax money slashed from the abortion industry, and 13 Planned Parenthood closures.

As a physician, Dr. Campbell uniquely understands the value and dignity of human life, the humanity of the unborn, and the compassionate care deserved by the elderly and infirm.

Donna earned Texas Right to Life PAC’s endorsement by meeting our stringent requirements on issues such as abortion, euthanasia, defunding the abortion industry, stem cell research, hospital Death Panels, and the rights of patients to direct their own healthcare.

We are confident that, when elected, Donna will work side by side with Texas Right to Life in Austin to protect innocent human life from fertilization to natural death.