Texas-Based Pro-Life Organization Gains National Recognition

Recent media outlets have reported on billboards that have been erected on Chicago’s south side that display a picture of President Barack Obama.  The billboards read, “Every 21 minutes, our next possible leader is aborted.”  The purpose of the billboards is to educate the public, specifically the black community, of the imbalance of abortions performed on black children.  The billboards have gained national recognition—exactly what those responsible are looking for.

The organization that deserves credit for the billboards is the Texas-based group, Life Always.  Pastor Stephen Borden is the founder and CEO of the Pro-Life organization.  He and Brian Follet, of Heroic Media, founded Life Always in the winter of 2010.  They began a dialogue from which sprang an organization that would use ads, billboards, and commercials to emphasize how the abortion industry preys on the African American population in the United States.

The mission of Life Always is to educate the black community of the injustices that are being waged on them by the abortion industry.  And the work of Life Always is playing out on the national level.  From that first conversation with Brian Follet, Stephen Borden’s dream of educating the public of the atrocities committed against the black community has become a reality.  “Conversations are taking place.  [We] are challenging the status-quo that abortion is the solution to poverty and social inequality.  We are challenging the monolithic monotone of the abortion industry,” Broden told Texas Right to Life.

Pastor Broden, Senior Pastor at Fair Park Bible Fellowship in Dallas and a Pro-Life activist since the 1980s, says the conversations taking place are the first he has seen.  “This is the first time that conversations [like this]in black communities are happening.  We have forced our way into public discourse.”  The billboards have caused a stir and it is exactly the thing Broden wants.  Pastor Broden said Life Always has found a way to use the media’s slanted position to their benefit.  With news pieces titled “Anti-abortion campaign targets black Chicagoans,” “Anti-Abortion Billboards Arrive in Chicago,” “Latest In Series Of ‘Racist’ Anti-Abortion Billboards Goes Up In Chicago,” the conversations among the entire nation certainly have started.

Broden says the billboards are accomplishing their goal.  The conversations are revealing the hard truth.  The Life Always website, Thatsabortion.com, includes staggering statistics about abortion within the black community.  “Since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court Decision Roe vs. Wade, 13 million African American lives have been lost to abortion.  More African American babies have been killed by abortions since 1973 than the total number of African American deaths from AIDS, violent crimes, accidents, cancer and heart disease combined.”

According to Broden, the abortion industry is a seductive presence in the black community.  It is “working to bring darkness” and spread lies to women, showing them only one choice.  With the new dialogue within the black community, and the nation as a whole, Broden says God is opening the door to women to choose Life and to create a Culture of Life.  The time has come for the abortion industry to stop hurting women and destroying lives.  “When you kill children, the potential of a community dies.  We must carry the legacy of our nation forward,” Broden said.

When asked if there were more projects in the works for more cities, Broden said that there were several “cities on the list” and that they will not stop; they “must continue to get the message out.”  The national attention has been a God-send for Life Always and their mission.  “It gives us exposure…people are talking; women are talking.”  As this spiritual warfare continues, the fight for the unborn stands at the front and center.  “We are here and we will be heard,” said Broden.  Life Always has refused to back down in the face of vandalism, hate-language, and vicious attacks.  The Pro-Life movement is blessed to have the passion and courage of Pastor Stephen Broden and those at Life Always on its side.

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.” Colossians 2:8