Supporter Spotlight: Jim F.

For as long as he can remember, Jim F. has been a stalwart supporter in the Pro-Life movement.  His involvement was inspired when he received a call from a very sincere Pro-Life advocate on a mission.  Jim and his wife Jeanne have stayed engaged in the educational and legislative efforts of Texas Right to Life ever since.

Please take a few minutes to read through Jim’s interview.  Become inspired to be a louder and more courageous voice for Life.

Which Pro-Life issue is most important to you?  Why?

My wife Jeanne and I are concerned about protecting the dignity of every human Life at every stage – from the moment of conception until natural death. 

We believe that every Life is sacred. 

On June 23, 2017 in Rome I met Pope Francis face-to-face.  With the urging of one of the Cardinals present, I gave him my personal card as we shook hands.  I stuttered as I said, “Papa Francesca, your Holiness, your words of amore have touched the world!”  He took my card, read the inscribed message, “Every Life is Sacred,” and smiled broadly.  Then he took both of my hands in his, smiled again, and humbly and simply said, “Please pray for me.” 

This was a life-changing moment.  Pope Francis’ actions, more than his words, speak eloquently of his deep love for every man, woman, and child on Earth.  I’ve been praying for him, my family and friends, our nation, and the world over ever since—using a rosary he had blessed that day. 

We do believe that the most basic purpose of every level of government is to protect the rights of everyone—at every station of Life—especially from abuse by those wealthier and more powerful than they are.  We believe that there is no God-given “right” to abuse any man, woman, or child in thought, word, or deed—by commission or omission.

Who in the Pro-Life movement has been an inspiration to you?

My most vivid first memory was a very personal, long, phone call from Jim Graham’s father, Dr. Joseph Graham.  He left a lasting impression of a very compassionate, sincere man with a mission—and drive—to protect unborn children from abortion.

Elizabeth and Jim Graham, without exception, over many years have also been an inspiration in my life.  

But probably most consistently of all, every single person at Texas Right to Life has been an inspiration to me personally.  That includes Ruby who lovingly greets anyone who calls or comes into the office, long-time friends like Stephanie Alban, and new ones like Adrienne Donato Martinez.  All of you have left lasting, warm impressions.

Is there an aspect of Texas Right to Life’s work with which you connect more than others?

There a four aspects:

  • the gradual, progressive development of legislative protection for the value of Life at every stage, particularly the unborn and the handicapped, the sick, and the elderly in hospitals, and in nursing homes;
  • the parallel spread of a Culture of Life throughout the state of Texas via the Dr. Joseph Graham Fellowship program and similar efforts;
  • converting the hearts, minds, and souls of those who promote the culture of death, either willingly or unwillingly; and
  • exposing those who steadfastly, and often clandestinely, promote the culture of death to educate the voters so they can choose wisely. 

What do you hope to see regarding Pro-Life educational efforts around the state?

I’d like these efforts to stress the sanctity of Life for each and every human being.  Our children are our future.  They, and their children, are the very future of Texas, the United States, and the world.