SCOTUS to Consider 15-Week Abortion Ban

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) announced this morning they will consider Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban.

The specific legal question is whether all pre-viability bans are unconstitutional, which could give SCOTUS an opportunity to reconsider erroneous precedent.

Today’s news is very encouraging for Pro-Life advocates.

By taking up the question on protecting preborn life before viability, the Supreme Court could revisit and correct flawed abortion legal precedent.

States must spearhead the charge in passing aggressive Pro-Life policies that lead the courts to overturning the deadliest ruling of our time: Roe v. Wade.

Texas Right to Life is committed to pushing dynamic legislation, like the Texas Abolition Strategy, that forces our judiciary to face their past rulings and establish justice for the most vulnerable among us.



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