Christian Singer’s Pro-Life Ministry Inspired Hit Song “Image of God”

“I wanted to write a song that was so simple… so simple that it was just telling the truth. That we’re all made in the image of God. Beautiful shades of love. And it doesn’t matter whether that’s in the womb or outside of the womb.” 

Singer-songwriter Darren Mulligan revealed the beautiful background of his latest song “Image of God” Tuesday on a Houston Christian radio station. Mulligan, front man for the Christian band We Are Messengers, knows that what mothers considering abortion need most is love and someone to help them through their struggle.

“We don’t stand outside Planned Parenthood shouting terrible things at really vulnerable women. We stand outside there with hugs and with opportunity and financial support and with all the love in the world,” Mulligan informed listeners. 

Mulligan’s ministry to abortion-minded women is actually what inspired him to write the band’s hit song “Image of God.” 

“Our value doesn’t come because of the good things we have done. And it doesn’t come because of the bad things we have done,” Mulligan reminded listeners, “Our value is found in Jesus and who He is and in who He says we are. And He says that every human life, in the womb, (and) outside the womb… He says you are valuable to me and I love you.”

The “Image of God” music video even begins with the powerful sound of a preborn child’s heartbeat while a sonogram image fills the screen. 

The abortion industry denies that preborn children are fully human. Abortion advocates argue that a fetus is nothing more than a clump of cells. But the utter beauty and humanity of this preborn child can be clearly seen in We Are Messengers’ music video. As Mulligan so eloquently states, the beauty and humanity of a preborn child is the simple truth. 

The humanity of preborn children is not only proven by scientific evidence, but Mulligan reminds us that even these vulnerable children share in the divine image of God. 

Christians are often portrayed as harsh, judgmental, and uncaring for the problems and struggles of others. Tragically, this can sometimes be true. But not for Christians like Mulligan. 

The singer’s statements were both brave and convicting. The only way to truly save lives and transform society into a Culture of Life is by showing others the love of God. This is not to say we should accept the oftentimes evil and sinful nature of our world. True love is unafraid to call out wrongdoing. But we must always keep in mind that Christ died for all, the sinners and the saints alike. 

“God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

Women considering abortion often believe that aborting their child is the only option. The abortion industry, most notably the abortion giant Planned Parenthood, is notorious for pressuring women into abortions. 

For many women, an unplanned pregnancy opens a world of uncertainties, pain, and shame. The abortion industry lies to them, saying they can make all of that go away by aborting the preborn child. Many women are trapped into believing abortion is the only way out. 

How should Christians respond to this?  

Mulligan shared some of his experiences witnessing to Life outside of Planned Parenthood, “When I’m telling a single mother that she’s perfectly made in God’s image,” this helps a woman understand that, “she’s not on her own.” 

Mulligan responds with love. In imitation of Christ he stands with mothers who are scared and hurting, rather than standing against them in judgement or condemnation. 

Pro-Life heroes like We Are Messengers are exactly what is needed to heal our society. 

No one is perfect. Mulligan himself will be the first person to say so. The singer has struggled through periods of darkness and depression. Through all his pain and struggles he has come to know the salvific love of Christ. 

We commend Mulligan for bravely taking the Pro-Life message to all facets of society. He defends Life bravely and boldly, but with the love and gentleness of Christ. The movement and our world need more Pro-Life heroes like Darren Mulligan.



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