Beto O’Rourke says GOP is a Death Cult yet he Supports Abortion Until Birth

March 2, Texas Independence Day, Governor Greg Abbott announced the end of his statewide mask mandate and COVID-19 business restrictions. Media darling Robert Francis O’Rourke, better known as “Beto,” took aim at the governor’s decision calling the Texas Republican Party a “cult of death.” 

“They literally want to sacrifice the lives of our fellow Texans, for I don’t know, for political gain, to satisfy certain powerful interests within the state. And this isn’t hyperbole,” Beto stated Thursday on air for MSNBC. 

Say that again, Robert Francis. Slower. 

Sadly, the irony is lost on the man. 

O’Rourke is one of the most radical advocates for abortion on demand in Texas and the nation. 

During both of his failed campaigns for higher office, he refused to support a single abortion restriction and praised abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. 

When asked whether he supports third-trimester abortions Beto responded “absolutely.” To be very clear, Robert O’Rourke, who criticized Republicans as a cult of death, supports the murder of preborn children all the way up to birth. 

Beto’s position on abortion is radically anti-Life, anti-science, and anti-morality.

The third trimester begins in the 27th week of pregnancy. By this point the preborn baby has a beating heart, brainwaves, developing eyesight, and can feel the excruciating pain of being dismembered alive in an abortion.

This is what Beto and the Democratic Party want to increase and even fund with your tax dollars. 

“It’s hard to escape the conclusion that it’s (the Republican party) also a cult of death. You have extraordinarily anti-democratic elements… and completely indifferent to the suffering it caused… They just don’t care. And that indifference is killing people.” 

When Beto renounces abortion, repents of his anti-Life stance, and cuts ties with Planned Parenthood, perhaps then his words will have meaning. 



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